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Spring Gardening Tips

Rake those leaves and either put into compost bin or use lawnmower to mulch them. Live Oak leaves make good mulch in vegetable gardens.





















If you love to garden, nothing feeds your plants better than compost from your very own backyard, and its price (free!) is impossible to beat. But the pile itself isn’t exactly an eye-catching feature. Though you can buy a compost bin made from budget-friendly plastic or even chicken wire, a wood bin, typically made of rot-resistant cedar, will conceal those yard clippings and kitchen leftovers without sticking out like a sore thumb on your landscape. The gaps between the wood slats let air circulate around the pile to keep odors at bay and ensure that wastes are breaking down; removable slats, front panels, or doors make it easy to turn the pile and remove compost when it’s ready to spread. Follow these directions to make a rustic little structure that will help you keep your yard thriving year-round.

Drain tanks of your gas-powered machines. Once drained, start the engine and let it run till completely out of gas. Use a wire brush to clean muck off of hand tools. After sharpening, apply a light coat of WD-40.

DIY Compost Bin

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